31 July 2010

Servant Leadership Camps, July 2010

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Servant Leadership Camp
If you've been reading our blog long enough, this entry will look familiar: we have completed another pair of leadership camps. Although the format and location were the same as past years', the combination of staff and students makes each camp unique and dynamic.

These camps were our last projects before returning to the US for a wedding and some R&R. Landon's Dad, Mom and youngest brother came to visit and to staff the second camp. All three of them contributed majorly to that camp's success, and hit it off great with the students.

A bonus sessions with Darko, HS camp speaker. The students were hungry to learn and attended 4 bonus lectures in their free time.
Darko fields a question. It's a good sign when teenagers are awake - not to mention asking questions - at the end of a lecture!
We use lots of games (some physical!) to make the leadership and life lessons experiential and memorable!

Landon's dad, Tom, was speaker at the second camp, which was for for University students.

In both camps, students belonged to "teams" to discuss lecture themes, applying them personally.

University students are in red and camp staff are in blue, including 4 student-translators.
The Qiriazi Center has held camps at the same mountain-lodge for over 5 years in a row, and their staff really enjoy serving us.
This game of rugby/football on the mountaintop was short but fun because nobody knew the rules.
Tom takes in the view up high, while teams meet below.